Hi! My name is Katelyn Stone. I am currently pursuing my Master of Science in Computer Engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz. My research areas include computer networks, artificial intelligence, and robotics. My recent research involves repurposing an IoT-based system for continuous and autonomous monitoring, which was originally designed for real-time patient monitoring applications, to be used in outdoor environmental monitoring scenarios, in particular for wildfire monitoring. We work to integrate this IoT-based system into an outdoor wildfire monitoring system and observe the efficiency of how the sensor data is processed, analyzed, and stored in the newly configured system. We leverage a pre-existing Machine Learning model to understand the performance efficiency of the system when incorporating a powerful data processing element such as Machine Learning.
Degree Earned:
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering with a Minor in Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Cruz
- Cramer N, Tebyani M, Stone K, Celluci D, Kenneth CC, Swei S, Teodorescu M, “Design and Testing of FERVOR: FlexiblE and Reconfigurable VOxel-Based Robot”, 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)